Artists Do Need A Website (Cuz Social Media Can Kill Your Art Career)

Do artists need a website? With all the social media platforms around, you might be tempted to think that you can promote and sell your art without a website. But, mind you, relying solely on social media can kill your art career! In this post, I tell you why artists need a website and what are the best websites for artists to use. Spoiler alert: it's not hard to create an artist website!

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Too Comfy Isn’t Good In Art: Why Artists Should Leave Their Comfort Zone

Why should artists leave their comfort zone? Creativity means exploring new things. If you get too comfortable with what you are doing, you risk reaching a plateau and getting stuck with your art. But you also hinder your artistic growth and prevent you from discovering new and exciting territory with your art. That’s why it is important to leave your comfort zone in art. Here are some ideas to push your boundaries!

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Being An Artist Is Selfish? Here’s Why You Should Be Selfish!

Are the arts selfish? Art is usually linked with attributes like inspirational, innovative, and moving. And while some artists may be self-absorbed, no one wants to be called selfish. Is being an artist selfish? If we choose to create art that is dear to our heart, instead of making art that appeals to the needs of others, does that make us selfish artists? Let’s talk about it!

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Make Bad Art. It Is OK To Make BAD ART.

We all want our art to be liked, that’s why we seek to create ‘good art’. But who actually decides if art is good or bad? I tell you: you decide. And you don’t only need to make good art. It is OK to make bad art, too. In fact, it is normal to make bad art, and making bad art is actually good for you. Why do I say so? Well, read on to find out… ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ

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10 Lifestyle Tips For Artists To Stay Healthy Long-Term

Tending to our physical, mental and spiritual health is important for everyone. But it might be even more important for artists to have a healthy lifestyle, because "healthy habits craft ideas." Missing out on a healthy lifestyle routine can lead to decreased creative productivity. To help you stay in shape and be able to create amazing art for the longest time possible, I have sorted out 10 lifestyle tips for artists to stay healthy!

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Self-Care For Artists: 8 Good Habits Every Creative Should Adopt

Self-care for artists is something every creative should make an essential part of their daily routine. Why? Because creative self-care is not only important for our creativity to flourish but also for our body and mind to feel good. In this blog post, I have put together 8 tips for creatives to help you take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being!

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TOP Tools Professional Digital Artists Use [Pro Hardware & Software]

You may already have the basic equipment for digital art, but now you want to take your art to next level and work more professionally. What tools do professional digital artists use? This post shows you what hardware pro digital artists use and what software apps they work with. We'll talk about what drawing tablets, styluses, monitors, and different types of digital art software you can choose from to start creating art on a professional level!

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Step-By-Step Digital Art For Beginners: How To Get Started [2025]

How can a beginner start digital art? This step-by-step digital art for beginners guide shows you what you need to get started, which programs you can use, and how to go about learning the ins and outs of making digital art! Worry not, it’s not that hard at all! The good thing is that you can directly learn digital art, without having to go to art school or attending courses. So let’s get into it!

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Essential Tools For Digital Artists – Must-Have Starter Kit For Beginners

The essential tools for digital artists are not many. Starting with three to four tools, you can begin making amazing creations! Of course, the best tool for digital art is a drawing tablet, but there are a few more tools of the trade. In this post, I am going to show you the four main tools you need to get started – in terms of hardware and software. There are very affordable – and even free – options to get started on a budget!

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How Meditation Helps Artists (The Mindful Creativity Booster)

Creativity is rooted in our subconscious minds. When we are feeling stressed, worried or fearful, we are unable to access that inner treasure trove. Because for ideas and inspiration to flow freely, we need to be in a state of stillness and relaxation. How does meditation help artists here? Meditation can quieten the chatter of our minds and thus increase the creativity of artists. Read on to learn more about why mindfulness is important in art.

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