3 Easy Ways To Create A Portfolio Gallery In WordPress

Creating a portfolio gallery in WordPress is one of the must-do’s for every artist and photographer with their own art website. In this WordPress portfolio tutorial, I show you different way to add a gallery in WordPress. You can use the basic WordPress editor to display your portfolio. But if you want a more professional-looking photo gallery, you’ll learn how to create a portfolio page using a WordPress portfolio plugin!

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How-To WordPress: Elementor Text Paragraph Spacing

Elementor text paragraph spacing is important for your WordPress site – just like font size, line height, padding, margins, etc. Because the space between paragraphs and lines significantly impacts readability and ease of use of your web content. But what is the correct spacing between paragraphs, and how to change the spacing between paragraphs in WordPress? This is exactly what I'm going to show you, step-by-step, in this Elementor tutorial!

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Transparent Jars With Glass Effect – Photoshop Download | PSD Files

Have you’ve already had the idea to make a glass style Photoshop creation? If you’ve ever tried to create a glass texture in Photoshop you will have noticed – just like me! – that adding a glass effect is definitely not a walk in the park. But you can get the transparent jars with glass effect as Photoshop Download right here to make your own glass style creations!

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What Is Digital Surrealism? [Surreal Digital Art Explained]

Everyone, by and large, has an idea of what digital art is. But what is digital surrealism? In this post, we are going to look at what digital surreal art means and what some of the characteristics of surrealism are. You will get to meet some of the top artists in this field: modern surrealists, digital and pop surrealism artists. At the bottom of this post, you will also find a few pieces of surreal digital art for sale, if you're interested!

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How To Change The Hyperlink Color Of Your WordPress Theme In Elementor

Links need to look like links and they have to stand out from the rest of the text. That's why setting link colors for your WordPress site is important. In this tutorial, I'll be showing you how to change the hyperlink color in Elementor, and also how to change the link hover color – all right here on my OceanWP WordPress theme!

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How To Highlight Text In Elementor – Step-By-Step Elementor Tutorial

There are different ways to catch the reader’s attention on your WordPress site. Elementor offers you lots of text editing options: you can make text bold, underline text, change the text color, and even create strikethrough text. As there’s no Elementor widget for that purpose – how do you highlight text in WordPress? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to highlight text in Elementor by using just a tiny bit of code. I’ll also show you a method how to change the highlight color in WordPress to your liking – quick and convenient, directly within the Elementor text editor!

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Image License Types – Ultimate Guide To License Your Art

The image license types are many and if you are new to photo licensing everything can be quite confusing. There are, at least, around 20+ different types of image licenses out there. Some are for personal, non-commercial use only, some are for commercial use of an image. Using stock photos requires an image license. If you want to use a photo, you need to understand its license type. You also need a license when selling your own photos. I looked a bit into the most common image licenses and prepared this overview for you!

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How To Make An Elementor Heading In Different Colors

Color is what catches the viewer's eye first. As an artist, you might want to add an extra splash of color to your online content. While you can easily change the color of one word or more in the Elementor text editor or make use of Dual Color Headings, there are no Elementor widgets that allow you to create a heading in more than two colors. This tutorial shows you how to make an Elementor heading in different colors – i.e. MANY different colors! 

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How To Write A Digital Image License Agreement (+ FREE Template!)

Selling prints of your digital art or photography is a great way to make some extra money. But to take your artist business to the next level, you might want to sell certain usage rights of a photo to a client. So how do you license a picture? This guide explains how to write a Digital Image License Agreement, step by step. Plus, you will get a FREE License Agreement Template that you can adapt to your personal needs.

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What Is Commercial Use Of An Image? (+ FREE License Agreement Template)

If you buy stock images, you need to know whether or not they are free for commercial use. Free commercial use images allow you to create your own work and resell it. Non-commercial use images, on the other hand, are free for personal use only. But what's the difference between personal use and commercial use? This post explains what commercial use of an image is, and if you can use Royalty Free images for commercial use.

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