Self-Expression Through Art: Why Art Is A Good Way To Express Yourself

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Since the beginning of time, humans have been using art as a medium of expression. Modern science has shown that self-expression through art has positive effects on our mental health and general well-being. This post explains why art is a good way to express yourself and how you can reap the benefits!
Self-expression through art

When someone tells you that you can use art to express yourself, you’ll probably find a lot of arguments why you cannot use art as a medium of expression. Most likely, you will say something like:

“I’m not an artist. Art is not for me. I’m not good / talented / creative /                  (fill in the blank) enough.”

Fact is most of us will be very creative finding arguments why we cannot express ourselves through art.

My intention with this post is to show you that you too can express yourself through art and explain the importance of self-expression in art.

I’ve been creating digital art for more than ten years now and throughout the years I was able to personally experience the benefits that come along with making art. That is why I wish for you too to enjoy the benefits, gain insights into your internal world, and maybe even find healing through art.

If you still believe that you are ‘not made to create art’, let me tell you this: making art is innate to us humans. We all need art in our lives, and we have been using art as a medium of expression for thousand and thousand of years. Just think of the most early cave drawings.

Everyone is drawn to creating something. Just give any child some crayons and paper, and they will start drawing and scribbling on the page.

Art can be anything from stories, poems, music, dance, and – of course – the visual arts like painting, drawing, sketching, etc. Over time, we have invented new forms of visual art, such as photography and digital art.

Read more: 13 Different Types Of Digital Art Every Digital Artist Should Know

Why is art self-expression?

As we said above, art is any creative activity from painting, to writing, to sculpting, to making music, and more. However, what most people think of when they hear ‘art’ is the visual arts.

These days, visual arts are oftentimes a combination of creative and technical skills. For instance, apart from your creativity, you’ll need a variety of skills to be a digital artist.

Regardless of what type of art you eventually choose, it is always a great medium to express your thoughts and feelings in a way that is universally understood. 

As a matter of fact, art is also a reflection of our personality. And in return, it shapes our identity.

Why is self-­expression important?

There is no doubt that self-expression is important for all of us. We can write down our thoughts into diaries, but we can also go beyond words and express ourselves through pictures.

Self-expression is any form that allows us to convey our thoughts and feelings. This is especially important if the thoughts and feelings are negative. Because if we suppress our negative emotions, they tend to cause inner stress and anxiety.

To foster our emotional well-being and mental health, it is important to have a creative medium of expression.

Read more: Why You Are Scared To Make Art & What You Can Do About It

In ‘China’ I am portraying a character that is both human and object. I am using a variety of symbols to convey different concepts and thoughts. In the ‘Making of China‘ I explain what it means for me, why I created it, and what I mean to express with the symbols and visual elements that I’m using.

Self­-expression through art

We all find it hard to verbalize certain feelings and thoughts. We rather keep them to ourselves. This can happen for a number of reasons. We may be afraid that other people don’t understand us, we might feel ashamed or insecure – to just name a few examples.

This is where the benefits of creative self-expression come into play. Art provides us a healthy form of dealing with our emotions.

When we create art, we are more likely to get into the ‘flow’ state. This is a state of mind where we lose the sense of time and self. We are focused on the task at hand, and we perform and feel our best.

In our everyday lives, our brainwaves are in a fast-moving state, which scientists refer to as beta waves. In the flow state, however, our brain slows down and we get into a state of alpha waves. This also happens when we are day-dreaming or meditating.

On a physical level, our prefrontal cortex is temporarily inactive. This makes us forget time and space and allows us to create without self-consciousness or judgment.

Being in the flow state can help us release stress and decrease anxiety. That’s why art is a good way to express yourself. 

An example of art for self-expression

An example of art for self-expression can be found in art therapy. Creative expression can be a catalyst in the healing process. Studies found that art therapy can significantly improve the health of patients.

Art and mental health are closely connected. That’s why self-expression through art has positive benefits, not only on our mental and emotional health, but also on our general well-being.

Actually, creating art is a highly complex process. We transform a mental image into something viewable and tangible. This requires complex thought processes and analytical capacities.

At the same time, we analyze our mental state and are able to let go of emotions that weigh heavy on us.

Naufragée‘ is French and means ‘castaway’ – a person who has been shipwrecked and stranded. In the ‘Making of Naufragée’ I am speaking about my artistic thinking process, what ‘Naufragée‘ is meant to express, and what inspired me to create that artwork.

The importance of self­-expression in art

Self-expression in art is so important because it bridges the gap between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Using art as a creative outlet allows us to externalize what is going on inside of us.

Certain art styles only came into being because artists were looking for a way to express subconscious feelings and notions. Surrealism and pop surrealism are two examples.

Once we have put our inner world into a physical form, we can take a look at it from a distance. We cannot always explain our feelings and emotions on a logical level – and it is not necessary. But we are more able to understand our inner self.

This can be a huge step in becoming more whole and mindful. It can help us heal. Self-expression through art gives us a means to better manage our thoughts and feelings.

How does art become a way of self-expression for you?

Throughout this post, you have seen why art is a good way to express yourself.

So now the question is: how does art become a way of self-expression for you?

Using art as a medium of expression has benefits for everyone, no matter what stage of life or circumstance you are in.

Maybe you are experiencing a difficult situation like the loss of a loved one or the breakup of a relationship. But maybe you are only feeling stressed by the little things in your everyday life – art is always a good way to express yourself!

Getting started can be the toughest part. If you have never created art before, the first step is definitely the hardest. Take it easy. You don’t need to create a masterpiece.

Grab the art tools that you like the most. Either a brush and canvas, if you like to make traditional art, or a drawing tablet and your favorite digital art software, if you want to create digitally.

Then simply start painting or doodling. The creative process is meant to allow you to dig deeper into your inner world and unleash suppressed thoughts and feelings. A good way of self-expression for artists may also be collage art.

For example, if you feel angry or sad, you can choose images that represent your anger or sadness and put them together (→ How To Put Multiple Photos On One Page In Photoshop).

What matters is that you find a creative outlet and feel good with what you are creating!

I hope this post inspired you to use art as a way of expressing yourself. If you haven’t created art before, I hope I was able to take away your inhibitions and encourage you to make your first creation. In any case, I wish you lots of joy on your creative journey and always remember: you make art for yourself and nobody else!

Self-expression through art
Self-expression through art
Self-expression through art
AngieG. – The Person behind the Pictures
My name is Angie and I’m a self-taught digital artist. On this blog, I am sharing inspirational resources and advice to help you develop your artistic skills and cultivate a creative mindset. My desire is to support you in becoming a confident artist and realizing your dream!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Maud

    I like the efforts you have put in this, cheers for all the great blog posts!

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      Thank you so much, Maud, I appreciate you taking the time and letting me know!

  2. Liam Thompson

    Your insights into using art as a form of self-expression are so inspiring. It’s wonderful to see how art can be a powerful tool for exploring our emotions and sharing our personal stories with the world.

    1. User Avatar

      Hi Liam, I agree, creating art is probably the best way to process your emotions and express them. I always find it amazing how art making relaxes me and relieves stress ♡

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