WiP Digital Art: The Making Of The ‘Holy Sinners’ Series

  • Post category:The Making Of
  • Post last modified:January 13, 2025

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Hello Lovelies! In this post, I give you insights into the Making of my ‘Holy Sinners‘ series. The surreal portraits in this series are full of contradictions and symbolism. I share with you my creative thought process and the meaning behind this digital art series. Like their name suggests, the main thread in this series is a story of sin and holiness. Sounds interesting? Read on to learn more!

WiP Digital Art: The Making of the 'Holy Sinners' Series

The ‘Holy Sinners’ series comprises my currently latest surreal portraits in the Headshots Collection. As their name suggests, the Holy Sinners are full of controversies. They are holy, but they are also sinners

As I love combining in my digital art what usually doesn’t go together, I enjoyed creating this series A LOT. That being said, all pieces in the series include both symbols of godliness and of sinfulness. What that means in particular, we’re going to get into it now!

The Making Of 'Faithful Bunny'

Faithful Bunny‘ is the first piece of the Holy Sinners. I created it in 2023—not knowing yet at the time that it’s going to be a series. As usual, when I end up working in series.

What are the symbols of holiness in that artwork? 

The nun’s habit, along with the veil and the wimple, are the most obvious items that represent the piousness of the young lady. Have you noticed how high-necked her habit is? And the lace gloves? It’s like she wants to show the least skin possible. So young and so modest.

She’s also wearing a cross. But it’s upside down. Probably she hasn’t even noticed. But how else could the cross be if not the wrong way round? 

The bunny ears come from the realm of leather clothes, fetishes, sexiness. One should think they are not in the rightful place, yet they seamlessly integrate with her nun’s veil. As if both belong together.

Some black roses above her forehead. Very inconspicuous, if there weren’t the crimson leaves. 

The crimson color goes through the entire piece like a thread of sinfulness. The red cross. Her red lips. And the sweet, red lollipop. She’s already tasted it. She couldn’t resist. Forbidden fruit taste the sweetest. 

The juicy, red lollipop is the strongest symbol of sin in this artwork. Sin always involves danger. She’s not the only one who wants a taste of the forbidden sweetness. There are also some wasps that got attracted by the sugary delicacy.

Have a look at her cheek. She already got stung for giving in to the temptation. It should have been painful enough to bring her back to her senses, but her blank stare reveals that she’s way too innocent and young to even realize her wrongdoing…

Oh! Innocent stare,
Oh! Reddy lips,
A lolly pop so red
just like the cross on the forehead,
Alas, there is a sting,
And all is still and motionless,
Wishing these three little terrors to disappear,
But in three, let me see –
Could that be a trinity!

The Making Of 'Petty Catty'

Petty Catty‘ is my second Holy Sinner. The major difference to the first work is that she doesn’t have bunny ears, but cat’s ears. 

That being said, the main “color of sin” that goes through this artwork like a thread is yellow. It starts with the golden headpiece that surrounds her head like a halo. Spot the cross in the center of the headpiece. Both are symbols of holiness. 

However, right below the cross, there are the cat’s ears adorned with rhinestones of the same yellow color. Then, there’s the upside down cross with a yellow stone on her forehead. Symbols of sin.

Last but not least, the yellow ice cream—again the main symbol of sin in this work. A catty likes to lick milk—so what could be a better fit for this sinful catty than licking an ice cream cone? 

Tongue stuck out to the sweet seduction, empty eyes that don’t see. She seems to surmise that she’s straying from the right path, yet she cannot resist.

All forbidden pleasures come with painful lessons. Have you seen the little mosquito sitting on the ice cream and just waiting for its chance to bite? Zoom in the images below to see all the details!

The Making Of 'Scarlet Bunny'

The ‘Scarlet Bunny‘—my third Holy Sinner. Did you notice the pun in the name? Scarlet has two meanings. It can mean the scarlet red color, which we see in the lips and the popsicle. But then, scarlet can also mean unchaste and sinful.

That being said, there’s no uniform thread of color going through this piece, but a combination of two colors, golden yellow and scarlet red. 

The halo-like headpiece picks up the symbolism already used in the second piece, ‘Petty Catty’. But this time, there’s a coronet on her head—made out of yellow gold with scarlet rubies. Spot the cross on top of the coronet. 

As innocent as she may be, she already took a lick of the sweet popsicle. There’s no way of denying it. The ice cream is still on her tongue, dripping down from her chin. 

She looks up with fear and remorse. Father, will you forgive me my sin? A tear of regret drips down from her eye. She knows that her innocence is gone forever. Will she ever achieve forgiveness?

No painful peril in this work? Yes, there is. Again, she’s not the only one attracted by the sweet sin. There’s already another comrade climbing up the popsicle that she cannot see. Still far away, but once the ant gets closer, it won’t hesitate to bite. 

The Making Of 'Church Mouse'

Church Mouse ‘ includes a word play in the title, too. You all know the saying “she is poor as a church mouse.” Well, my third Holy Sinner is not financially poor. But poor soul, she was supposed to be a faithful churchwomen. 

The big red Mickey Mouse ears on her nun’s veil are a reference to the title. At the same time, they are also a prominent symbol of sinfulness in this piece. 

On the other hand, there’s the crown of thorns—which is generally a symbol of holiness, as the Son of God was wearing one. However, in case of this little Holy Sinner, it’s not lying on her head, but floating above it. She’s lost touch with her holiness. 

Just like all of the other Holy Sinners, the ‘Church Mouse’ is holding some huge sinful sweetness in her hand. The red juicy ice cream is dripping down lace glove and splashing on her nun’s white habit. 

But she doesn’t mind. She doesn’t even notice. Eyes closed, she’s too busy savoring the unfamiliar sweetness that she’s been depriving herself of for so long. 

This time, there’s no stinging or biting insect on the ice cream. Instead, it’s a little red ladybug, also called a God’s cow. In some cultures, ladybugs are considered symbols of good luck. Is it going to bring luck to this Holy Sinner, too?

Oh! Precious delicate cross,
Upon the forehead,
Such purity!!
Eyes closed,
No sin will pass these lips,
Oh! Dear –
Perfect lipstick,
But there is a smear,
That sinful taste,
That sweet desire,
This lovely ice cream, but tempting scent…..
Perhaps it would be fine to finish, then repent…..

The Making Of 'Parishing Bunny'

My fifth Holy Sinner took a little bit longer. Nevertheless, she was ready just in time for Easter, at the end of March 2024.

Parishing Bunny‘—the spelling is intended. By writing the word with an “a” instead of an “e,” the title is supposed to allude to a parish church. However, the actual meaning of the word is “perishing,” because this Holy Sinner tells a story of decay and ruin.

As opposed to the first four works, the color palette is not colorful, but muted and dark. That’s the thread that goes through this artwork—from top to bottom.

The bow on top of her veil is gray. The cross on her forehead is gray and black. Her eyes are grayish, too. Alert with fear, still they have lost much of their liveliness. 

Even the ice cream, which used to be sweet and brightly colored, has turned to a putrefying gray. It’s already in such a degree of putrefaction that it attracts the flies

Nevertheless, she already tasted the ice cream. She’s used to the sweet sin, not able to imagine that it can go bad. The elapsing pleasure has tainted her lips that used to be red and full of life.

There’s already a fly on her lip, about to creep into her mouth. But she doesn’t even notice, too petrified by the spirits she has cited. It’s too late now, there’s no turning back. She’s sinned to much, she won’t find salvation anymore.

The Making Of 'Thirsty Bunny'

Thirsty Bunny‘ is the sixth and last piece, making the ‘Holy Sinners’ series the largest series I’ve created so far.

The major difference between this final piece and the other works in the series is obviously the object of sin. This pretty, little sinner isn’t holding a dainty bit in her hand, but a cup of red-blood tea.

Maybe the tea is sweet, too. Who knows. But it definitely tastes good. What’s more interesting is the little companions in the brew. When you click on one of the close-ups below and zoom in, you’ll see three little fish swimming around under the surface. 

Another visitor is crawling up the cup on the left side: a brown bug. Both fish and bug symbols of the ugly, the schismatic. 


I hope that this post helped you gain some insights into my creative process and better understand what I meant to express through this work. However, I know that art is subjective and I am always interested in knowing how my viewers perceive my art.

What do you think about these pieces? How do they make you feel? What do they mean to you? Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments. If my works inspired you to create a new piece of your own, I would love to see it! Post a link in the comments, tag me on Instagram (@ginangiela), or reach out to me directly. Make sure to sign up for my email list below so you don’t miss out on new ‘Making Ofs’ and other cool stuff. ♥

wip digital art: holy sinners
wip digital art: holy sinners
wip digital art: holy sinners
wip digital art: holy sinners
wip digital art: holy sinners
AngieG. – The Person behind the Pictures
My name is Angie and I’m a self-taught digital artist. On this blog, I am sharing inspirational resources and advice to help you develop your artistic skills and cultivate a creative mindset. My desire is to support you in becoming a confident artist and realizing your dream!

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