Finishing an artwork is more important than trying to make it perfect. Oftentimes, things stagnate due to unrealistic expectations.
We all want to be our best, but sometimes we have a vision in our mind that our creative skills cannot live up to. If that happens, we tend to think that we are just not good enough. Instead of completing the artwork, we might discard it altogether for the fear of making ‘bad art’.
Chasing perfectionism is a big obstacle to our artistic growth. If we wait until everything is perfect before we get started, or if we don’t finish our artwork before it’s perfect, we cannot make any progress.
If you have an exciting story to tell with your art, then by all means tell it! What you want to express through your art is much more important than the imperfections it may have.
If you tend to put too much pressure on yourself, it’s good to have something to relax your mind. Whether that be meditating, breathing exercises, walks in the forest, or any other way to declutter your head, I recommend doing it!
I have discovered meditation for myself and find it really helpful to unwind. Sometimes, the best inspiration comes to me during a meditation session!