8 Characteristics Of A Real Artist: Do You Have What It Takes?

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Have you ever wondered why some artists remain dedicated to their craft over the years, while others stumble at the slightest hurdle and quit? Those who keep going, no matter what, those are the ‘real artists’. So what are the characteristics of a real artist? Here eight important characteristics that every creative should adopt. Do you have what it takes?

What are the characteristics of a real artist?

Every artist needs a unique set of skills, depending on the kind of art they make. For example, drawing with charcoal requires different skills than painting with oil. And digital painting requires yet another skillset than digital collage art.

Across all those different types of art, there are ‘real’ artists that pursue their craft with lots of passion and originality. Nevertheless, the characteristics that we could assign to them based on their technical knowledge would be extremely diverse.

But then, what are the characteristics of a real artist?

On the one hand, all artists are unique. But on the other, they all share certain similarities.

These similarities are what we are going to look at in this post, because they are the characteristics of a ‘real’ artist.

So if you expected to see a detailed list of what hardware and software skills a digital artist needs, then you were mistaken, guys!

Those ‘hard skills’ are not what makes a real artist.

(If you are interested in the hard skills, then check out: 7 Must-Have Skills You Need To Be A Digital Artist & How To Get Them!)

How do you know if an artist is real?

Artists are no different from ‘non-artists’. In a recent post, I talked about why it is true that everyone is an artist.

We are all creative people, and the truth is that anyone can become an artist.
With dedication and practice, anyone can learn to make art, regardless of their experience or ‘talent’.

However, in order to reach a certain level of skill, one must have some – or at best all – of the characteristics of a real artist.

These characteristics are nothing that you are born with, even though some people might have them (or at least several of them) naturally.

The good news is that you can learn them – just like any other skill.

Read more: Self-Expression Through Art: Why Art Is A Good Way To Express Yourself

What are the characteristics of a real artist?

When digging deeper into the traits that all successful artists have in common, you will notice that these characteristics are fairly universal across all kinds of art – not only the visual arts.

Every artist who wants to pursue their craft with consistency and success needs them.

So without further ado, let’s get in and see what makes you a ‘real artist’ in your craft!

8 Characteristics of a real artist

1. Creativity

What is the most important characteristic of an artist?

This almost goes without saying, but creativity is certainly the most important characteristic of an artist. And it might also be the main reason why someone decides to become an artist in the first place: because they are looking for an outlet to express their creativity.

Despite the fact that you already possess creativity naturally, you can still train your imagination and expressiveness.

One mistake that many artists tend to make is to wait that the muse strikes them before they get to create. At times, artists might also find themselves in a creative rut they need to break out of.

Creativity is like any other skill: if you don’t use it, you will lose it.

That’s why it is best to practice creativity regularly. Push yourself to work a bit every day, even if you don’t feel inspired. Try new forms of art and constantly challenge your boundaries.

2. Openness to Inspiration

Creative people tend to be very sensitive. What might seem mundane to others, can be a source of inspiration for an artist.

Artists experience the world differently. Everything they see, hear, touch, taste, or smell can be a potential inspiration. They often find inspiration in their surroundings and notice things that are often overlooked by others.

Cultivating your sensitivity can help you see things that others don’t notice and thus have an endless supply of inspiration at your fingertips.

Related: 110 Quotes About Artistic Inspiration To Keep You Going!

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Ideal for art rituals and self-care for artists.

3. Courage

Fear is one of the most crippling emotions and it can negatively affect your creativity.

Making art doesn’t sound like the most heroic activity one can think of, but it does take courage.

Why? Well, artists might experience fear for a range of reasons. The fear of being judged. Of what others think. Of not being talented enough. Of not creating ‘real’ art. Of negative feedback.

We all want to be appreciated, and we want our art to be valued, too. When we create art, we often express our innermost feelings and emotions through it. That’s why seeing it not being received well can be painful.

To go on creating regardless of how others react to your art requires a good portion of courage.

Read more: Why It Takes Courage To Be Creative [& How To Be Courageous!]

4. Creative Confidence

Likewise, creative confidence is one of the characteristics of a real artist. Having a healthy level of faith in yourself and the art you make helps you to let go of the need for approval by others to feel good.

To a certain degree, we all are concerned with how others think of us. But as an artist, it is important to understand that the criticism we might receive is no objective truth and shouldn’t affect our choice of whether or not we continue our creative work.

With creative confidence, you don’t let the outside world determine your worth and the meaningfulness of your art.

Real artists have learned to love all comments, whether positive or negative, because:

The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.
~ Julia Cameron

You cannot control how your creative work is being received. The only thing that you can control is how much you enjoy doing what you do. So create art for yourself, and not for others!

Read more: 8 Tips From An Artist On How To Build Creative Confidence

5. Perseverance

Perseverance is something we need in almost all endeavors, and it is also one of the most important characteristics of a real artist.

If we stop at the first sign of failure or frustration, we will never make it. Real artists don’t stop when something is going wrong. They understand that the creative process is an exploration with the usual ups and downs. Even if a piece doesn’t turn out as expected, they carry through.

For all of us, it is crucial to realize that nothing and nobody is perfect. Mistakes are normal, but they are no reason to give up.

Mastering a craft takes hard work and a lot of practice. Don’t expect instant results. The journey is the destination. No matter how many obstacles you might face, if you persevere, you will eventually make it!

Read more: How To Stop Being An Art Perfectionist

Queen Bee‘ from my Surreal Stories Collection is a piece that I put aside for more than six years before finally finishing it. If you want to learn more about my creative process with WiP screenshots and a timelapse video, check out The Making Of ‘Queen Bee’ here.

6. Desire for Growth

Art is a continuous process of learning. There is no real ‘finish line’ when it comes to making art.

As artists, we constantly strive to grow and get better at our craft. Nevertheless, it is very unlikely that we will ever reach a point where we think that we cannot improve anymore.

Real artists have realized that they will never feel accomplished in a way that they have reached their full potential.

Even when you have found your unique art style, it doesn’t mean that there will be no further development. Creative expression never stops flowing. So the desire for growth is definitely among the characteristics of a real artist.

7. Playfulness & Curiosity

Life is an adventure and we never know what comes our way around the next corner.

Creating art is pretty much the same. That’s why it is important to approach it in a playful way and with curiosity. It doesn’t matter how much you plan your next piece, there’s no guarantee it will turn out the way you expected. Trying to force the outcome will only make things harder.

A playful approach will make it easier for you to explore, experiment, and try out new things.

Similarly, curiosity is another important characteristic of a real artist. Curiosity allows you to adventure into new realms, whether it is a different art style or medium – or marketing your work.

Being an artist is not only about creating, but also about showcasing and selling your art – at least if you want to create some exposure and sell a few pieces.

Learn more:

8. Passion = Motivation

Passion comes from loving what you do. Artists who are passionate about making art need it as much as breathing and sleeping. It makes them feel happy, relax and unwind. In fact, studies found that art has positive effects on our mental health.

Passion equals motivation. If you are a passionate artist, you don’t need any outside motivation to keep you going. You feel a deep desire to create.

Dedication is there naturally. Real artists don’t count the hours they dedicate to their work, to learning, and getting better.

This intrinsic motivation is a gift you receive when you follow your passion. It helps you stay motivated and happy all along your creative path.

Read more: 5 Powerful Methods To Nurture Your Inner Artist


With that said, I wish you all lots of happiness on your artistic journey. I believe you recognized some (or maybe all) of the characteristics of a real artist within yourself, you probably just didn’t link them to making art. If you think that some of the characteristics are not yet so developed within you, you can always work on them. I’m still working on my artistic strengths, too!

Characteristics of a real artist
Characteristics of a real artist
Characteristics of a real artist
Characteristics of a real artist
AngieG. – The Person behind the Pictures
My name is Angie and I’m a self-taught digital artist. On this blog, I am sharing inspirational resources and advice to help you develop your artistic skills and cultivate a creative mindset. My desire is to support you in becoming a confident artist and realizing your dream!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hailey

    I think this was among the most vital info for me. I’m really happy that I read your article.

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      That’s great to hear, Hailey, happy that you found the article helpful!

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