Just like you shouldn’t miss out on having an About Me and a Contact page, you should have a Work With Me page.
So, what’s a “Work With Me” page for?
A Work With Me page is specifically designed for potential collaborations, meaning companies, brands, sponsors and other people you might be able to work with.
Before a company offers you a sponsored post, for example, they want to know exactly who they are working with. A Work With Me page is a great opportunity show them what you are about. You can describe the main topics of your blog, your mission statement, and in what partnerships and collaborations you are interested in.
Many creators include a so-called media kit in their Work With Me page. The media kit provides information about your website audience and statistics. For example, gender and age of your visitors, where they come from, what they are interested in the most on your website, etc. You can get these data from Google Analytics.
Other things you can include in your media kit are the number of your email subscribers, social media statistics, or testimonials.
Having a Work With Me page will increase your chances of attracting companies to work with. In like manner, you can also use it to approach brands you are interesting in collaborating with.
You can have a look at my Work With Me page here to get an idea of what it can look like.