Eccentricity In Art: Are All Successful Artists Eccentric?

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Eccentricity is widespread in the art world. Many famous artists are known to have extremely eccentric personalities and strange behaviors. But are all artists eccentric? In this post, we are going to explore the stereotype (or truth?) of the “eccentric artist,” and whether or not eccentricity contributes to artistic success. Read on to learn more. 

Are all artists eccentric?

The above image shows a detail of “oblivion.,” which is, like all works from my Surreal Stories Collection, based on a photograph of myself as the artist. A sign of eccentricity in art?
(Scroll down a bit to see the creative process steps involved in making this piece.)

When you think of an artist, what adjectives come to your mind? Chances are you think of something like creative, talented, innovative, but also things like tormented, mysterious, and eccentric.

Fact is that many of us tend to associate the image of a “real artist” with the stereotype of the “tortured artist,” describing an individual who is struggling with demons and driven by strange impulses.

Eccentricity is another part of the stereotype of artists, and many famous artists have proven that it is true.

There is more than just anecdotal evidence that links genius and artistry with unusual or troubled personalities—just like Aristotle’s quote pointed out at the beginning of this post.

Just think of iconic figures like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Picasso, and Dali, who were often labeled as “mad” due to their weird behavior. Oftentimes, the more eccentric an artist appears, the more they are perceived as creatively gifted.

On a basic level, creating art means breaking norms and coming up with unconventional ideas. Besides, studies also indicate higher rates of mental health issues, but also higher levels of intelligence, among those in creative fields or with exceptional talent.

I’ve already written a couple of posts on how artists are “different” from “normal” people. If this is something that interests you, feel free to check out the following posts after reading this one: ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ

In this article, however, I want to delve into whether all artists are eccentric and explore what eccentricity means in art: does eccentricity contribute to artistic success?

Keen to learn more? Let’s get into it!

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What famous artists are eccentric?

It’s not by chance that we see eccentricity in the art world as normal. In fact, many famous artists have indeed been eccentric—and still are. Oftentimes, the appeal of past and present artists stems from their eccentricity, to a great extent.

Stories about Michelangelo, for example, describe him going for days without bathing, even sleeping fully dressed, shoes included. He had difficulties with social interactions and would sometimes walk away in the middle of a conversation.

Van Gogh’s eccentricity shows in the infamous incident in which he cut off part of his own ear after an intense argument with his friend and fellow artist, Paul Gauguin, in 1888.

Those famous artists are not with us anymore, but also present-day artists don’t lack behind the eccentricity of the past icons. Just think back to Lady Gaga’s appearance at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards where the singer was wearing a dress made entirely of raw meat, famously known as the “meat dress.”

…and the list goes on and on.

A study suggests that part of the reason people like artists like Lady Gaga and Vincent Van Gogh is exactly that eccentricity—and the fact that people tend to have strong, unconscious beliefs that eccentric artists are better than “ordinary” ones.

No meat dress but a peculiar wall hanging: “Sally” is a pop surrealist portrait combining beautiful and bizarre in an extraordinary setting where the main character is positioned low in the frame and off-center, drawing attention to the hair and its strange adornments.
Get more insights into my creative process and the meaning behind this work in the Making of ‘Sally’.

Are artistic people eccentric?

Being a digital artist and photographer myself, I know that art is a great way for self-expression. Whether you are a visual artist like myself, or whether you work in any other creative field like poetry, writing, or music, I’m sure you can agree.

No matter what kind of art we create, it is always a channel that allows us to express ourselves and manifest our unique personalities.

This makes the relationship between artist and art distinct from any other field. As artists, we are both the creators and the subjects of our work.

In other words, there is no art without self-expression of the artist, and eccentricity is, in a sense, the flip side of that expression.

Expression through art involves seeing the world differently—finding new patterns, making unexpected connections, and bringing forth ideas and creations that haven’t been seen before. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that artists have different brains.

Studies have shown that creative people tend to have more flexible thinking, openness to new experiences, and a willingness to challenge boundaries.

This type of thinking naturally aligns with behaviors that might seem “eccentric” in a society that values predictability. While not all creative individuals exhibit noticeable eccentricity, the connection between the two suggests that some level of deviation from the norm could be beneficial to the creative process.

Related: Are ALL Artists Neurodivergent? Who Is & Who Not?

But, does that mean that all artists are eccentric?

Well, we’re going to get to the bottom of that right now.

oblivion. (Creative Process)

Expressing my personality through my art is characteristic of my work, in fact a very crucial characteristic, because every piece I create starts with a photograph of myself. The image above shows you the creative process of “oblivion.”

What does eccentricity mean in art?

When you buy an artist’s work, you are likely buying into more than just the art itself. Because chances are you are also interested in the story behind the work and the artist who created it.

Eccentricity can help artists sell their work and find acclaim in the art world. Fact is that an unconventional persona can make an artist interesting and memorable—two qualities that are especially valuable in the competitive art market.

As a result, many artists, consciously or unconsciously, cultivate eccentricity as a part of their public identity to differentiate themselves from others.

With good reason.

Because recent research proves that eccentricity in artists is a quality that often leads us to see them as exceptional.

That research by Wijnand A. P. van Tilburg and Eric R. Igou indicates that the stereotype of the “troubled artist” is well-ingrained in our society, and that eccentricity may make art more highly regarded.

The two researchers explored how perceptions of an artist’s eccentricity can influence the way their art is valued. In experiments with college students, they observed that the students rated Van Gogh’s “Sunflower” painting more positively when they were told he had cut off his ear compared to those who weren’t informed of this detail. 

In another experiment, students read a short bio of a fictional artist before viewing a painting. Those who read that the artist was “very eccentric” gave the artwork a higher rating.

To rule out the possibility that extra information was simply making the artist seem more intriguing, the researchers conducted another experiment using only photos. Students viewed the same paintings as in the previous experiment. 

But this time, the artists were shown as either a man in a plain white shirt with short hair or a man who looked eccentric—thin, with longer, messy hair, stubble, and a dark vest.

Once again, the more “average” looking artist received lower ratings, confirming that the stereotype of eccentricity enhanced the artwork’s appeal.

All in all, the study provides empirical evidence that eccentricity actually influences how we judge art and artists. However, it does not prove that all artists are eccentric.

Moving further, does it mean that eccentric artists are more successful than “ordinary” artists?

Bleeding Rose” is probably my most “successful” lip art piece. At least, it’s the most stolen one—therefore the big watermark.

Are eccentric artists more successful?

The connection between eccentricity and success is more complex than it may seem after reading the above. While some of the most celebrated artists in history were indeed eccentric, there are countless successful artists who live relatively ordinary lives.

Success in art depends on a combination of talent, dedication, marketing—and often—a bit of luck. Eccentricity can help an artist stand out, but it is neither a requirement for success nor a guarantee of it.

Related: Why Marketing Is An Art & How To Market Your Art

Eccentricity may draw attention, but sustaining a successful art career also depends on skill, vision, and the ability to connect with your audience.

Even Igou and Van Tilburg identified limits to the link between eccentricity and artistic success. Their research found that if eccentricity appeared as a marketing gimmick, people would no longer equate it with artistic talent.

In other words, eccentricity in art must appear genuine. If it looks like a staged act, it won’t help you get attention and push your artistic career.

Related: This Is What Makes An Artist Successful

There are a few genuine reasons why artists often appear eccentric. Firstly, the process of creating art can be intensely personal, requiring immersion into one’s own world and thoughts. This kind of focus can lead artists to adopt behaviors, routines, or habits that others might find unusual.

Secondly, some eccentricities may be less about persona and more about personal struggle. Artists can face intense emotional and psychological challenges—from anxiety to depression—that may manifest as eccentric behaviors. 

Art becomes both a coping mechanism and an expression of this inner world, and the resulting behaviors may not always align with social norms.

Related: How To Get Over Art Anxiety & Enjoy Your Creative Process Again

In conclusion, are all artists eccentric?

The short answer is: no.

While eccentricity and creativity are often related, not all artists are eccentric, nor do they need to be. Eccentricity can enhance creativity by pushing artists to explore unique perspectives, but it can also be an affectation—or a reflection of personal struggles.

It’s a common notion that all artists as eccentric. But this isn’t true. Many artists are quite “normal” and just happen to be creators. They’re regular people with unique interests. This doesn’t make them any less professional or capable; if anything, their individuality can make them even more interesting.

Some artists exhibit eccentric traits only in certain aspects, while otherwise leading ordinary lives, wearing ordinary clothes, eating ordinary food, and simply following their calling by creating art.

Whether eccentric or not, an artist’s true success lies in their capacity to create something meaningful, and in that sense, every artist is indeed extraordinary in their own way.

Some artists become successful precisely because they break boundaries in both their work and their personal lives.

However, many respected artists lead quiet and grounded lives dedicated to their art. Georgia O’Keeffe and René Magritte are just two examples of famous artists who preferred private existences

Feel like some inspirational quotes from both the famous eccentric and non-eccentric artists?

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Ideal for art rituals and self-care for artists.

Should you strive for eccentricity in art?

Well, in my humble opinion, the best thing you can do is to be your true artistic self. Fully embrace our inner artist and express yourself in an authentic way.

The goal of an artistic life shouldn’t be to reach extreme eccentricity. It should be to communicate genuine inspiration through visual art, music, sculpture, poetry, or whatever art you create.

If your way of artistic expression, behavior, preferences or other personality traits make you appear eccentric in the eyes of society—so be it. 

Eccentricity can be one form of artistic expression, though it doesn’t mean that one must be eccentric to be an artist.

Eccentricity is simply one possible way—besides a thousand others.

To sum up: if you’re an artist, embrace your quirks, embrace your mistakes, create good art, create bad art, create the art you love. Don’t force anything. 

Do what makes you happy and the rest will follow. 

How Are You Feeling, My Love” is a printable quote of mine to remind you that what matters most is how you are feeling—and not how others perceive you, as an artist or as a person.
AngieG. – The Person behind the Pictures
My name is Angie and I’m a self-taught digital artist. On this blog, I am sharing inspirational resources and advice to help you develop your artistic skills and cultivate a creative mindset. My desire is to support you in becoming a confident artist and realizing your dream!

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