19 Lifehacks To Break Out Of A Creative Rut

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Creativity is not always free-flowing. As artists, we all have experienced phases where we just didn’t feel inspired to create art. Every artist gets stuck creatively at times. That’s totally normal and it doesn’t last forever. So how to break out of a creative rut? Luckily, there are some things you can do. In this post, I’ve put together the best 19 lifehacks to spark creativity when in a rut!

How to break out of a creative rut

Creativity isn’t flowing all the time. We all happen to get stuck in a creative rut from time to time. In these periods, we just don’t seem to be able to find new inspiration and create new art.

That’s totally normal and we all experience such phases as artists. There are times when ideas are just coming one after the other and we create artwork after artwork.

However, there are also times when we are feeling blocked. We may get stuck in such a creative rut due to various reasons: lack of inspiration, too much stress, lack of time, …

Or, we may feel discouraged because our past creations didn’t turn out as expected. This may lead to us feeling anxious about creating new work because we believe it’s just not good enough.

If this is you, feel free to have a look at my 10 Lifehacks For Creators To Overcome The Fear Of Creativity. Hopefully, that post will help you regain confidence and find encouragement.

Some time ago, I also put together 66 Inspirational Artist Quotes To Overcome Fear Of Creativity. Many of the famous artists worldwide expressed that they were afraid of creating art at times – so you are not the only one!

What to do when you are stuck creatively?

Throughout the years that I have been creating digital art, I have experienced periods of creative rut as well – just like any other artist.

That is why I decided to make this blog post for you to show you some effective ways on how you can spark your creativity when in a rut. I hope you’ll find them helpful!

Here are 19 lifehacks for how to break out of a creative rut:

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    How can you spark creativity when in a rut?

    Now let’s see what you can do to spark your creativity again and reignite your fire when you find yourself stuck in a rut. 

    What follows are my 19 best strategies that you can try out to break out of that creative rut as fast as possible. 

    Whenever I feel a lack of inspiration and motivation, I use one or more of these strategies and usually I start feeling better pretty soon. 

    I hope the same is true for you and these tips will help you get your creative juices flowing again quickly! So let’s get into it!

    19 Lifehacks to break out of a creative rut

    LIFEHACK 1: Accept that you're stuck in a creative rut

    As weird as it may sound, but sometimes the best thing that you can do is simply to accept that you are currently stuck in a creative rut. 

    As I already mentioned above, it is totally normal that artists happen to lack inspiration from time to time. It happens to all of us and to the best of us. 

    That’s why my tip #1 is to accept a creative rut as part of your artistic journey. Just be patient, don’t be hard on yourself, and trust that your creativity will be flowing even better once you’ve broken out of it! 

    LIFEHACK 2: Remind yourself that you are creative

    My lifehack #2 is to remind yourself that you are a creative person. 

    Take a step back and look back at your life. You’ve been probably painting and drawing and making other art since you were a kid. Remember how many awesome ideas you already had. Have a look at all the beautiful works that you’ve already created. 

    You have been sooo creative in the past, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be creative in the future again! 

    LIFEHACK 3: Take a break from creating art

    Our world today is always busy and culture teaches us that we need to be productive in order to be of value to society. Some cultural scientists say our society is work-obsessed. If we don’t do anything, we are lazy

    But if you constantly work and hustle, it’s important to take sufficient breaks. This is also true for your creative life. 

    If you’ve been on a creative high, creating one artwork after the other, you may start feeling exhausted and overworked. In such times, it can be a good idea to take a break from creating art. Welcome your ‘creative rut’ as an opportunity to take a rest, restore your energy, and get ready for new inspirations! 

    LIFEHACK 4: Take the pressure off yourself

    Sometimes, the reason why you are stuck in a creative rut is that you are putting too much pressure on yourself.

    As artists, we often tend to be perfectionists. I am one myself. Each time I make a new creation, I would love it to be perfect… in everything! Perfect in terms of composition, technique, colors, theme, whatever. I would love it to be my best creation ever!

    Of course, trying to achieve that is not possible, it only puts a lot of pressure on yourself. And this can also get you stuck creatively. Because deep down, you already know that it’s unattainable…

    What helps me in such situations is taking the pressure from me by reminding me that what I’m about to create doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to be awesome. It’s just another experience on my artistic journey that I am meant to enjoy as much as I can. 

    LIFEHACK 5: Just have fun creating something

    This lifehack links closely to the previous one. While taking off the pressure from yourself and realizing your art doesn’t have to be perfect, it can also be a good idea to just focus on having fun creating something. 

    Let go of expectations and judgments, stop thinking about what people might say and just start creating. Once you simply enjoy the creative process, it will be so much easier to reconnect with your creative voice

    Even if you don’t have a clear notion yet of what you want to create, start doodling around, make some sketches, move the pen over the digital tablet, throw some paint on the canvas. Whatever type of art you are create – just do something

    Remember, creating something is the first step to break out of a creative rut, and having fun with it is even better!

    LIFEHACK 6: Go on the lookout for inspiration

    Luckily, inspiration is immediately available at the click of the mouse in our age of digitalization. You don’t need to go to an art gallery, attend a concert, or visit the library. Having access to the internet is enough to go on the lookout for inspiration.

    Many artists showcase their work on social media platforms and other art sharing websites. So all you need to do is scroll through Instagram or Pinterest and you will see great inspirational art. With one click, you can download an ebook or a new song that can spark your creativity when in a rut.

    When we get used to seeing the same things every day, our inspiration and motivation may start draining. To discover new artwork that inspires you, try searching for hashtags on Instagram and Pinterest, instead of for your favorite artists.

    For example, you can type your type of art (e.g. ‘digital art’) or your favorite art style (‘surreal art’) in the search bar. That will bring up a huge selection of posts tagged with these terms and lots of potential sources of inspiration to help you break out of your creative rut! 

    Related: How Should An Artist Use Pinterest? – 15 Must-Know Tips For Artists Using Pinterest

    How can you spark creativity when in a rut?
    The internet is a good place to look for inspiration in order to spark your creativity when in a rut.
    LIFEHACK 7: Keep an inspirational treasure trove

    Once you’ve found some new inspiration, it’s important to keep it. What do I mean by that? 

    I mean that you should make sure to collect the things that inspire you – whether they are images on social media, posters, passages from books, inspirational quotes, and so on. Whenever you feel blocked and you wonder how to break out of a creative rut, you can simply look at this inspirational treasure trove. 

    Your treasure trove doesn’t have to be a physical thing. It can be a folder on your computer or even a board on Pinterest. Just make sure that you have it handy whenever you are in need for some motivation. 

    I personally keep both a digital and a physical ‘inspirational treasure trove‘. My digital trove is on my computer and includes all the images that I admire and that inspire me. Then I have a second digital trove on Pinterest where I collect various artwork that I like.

    Along with that, I have a physical notebook for journaling, doodling, and collecting pictures. I love to have a beautiful notebook on my desk that I can quickly grab to take some notes, write down my thoughts, or re-read an inspirational idea that I had some time ago.   

    I have an obsession for handmade notebooks. I usually get my notebooks from Etsy. They have a great selection of beautiful original items to choose from. 

    Stay inspired all year long!
    Get your set of 365 Printable Cards with Inspirational Artist Quotes to keep your creative juices flowing – 365 days a year!
    Pick a card each day of the year and never let your motivation dwindle!
    Ideal for art rituals and self-care for artists.
    LIFEHACK 8: Reignite your passion

    When you’ve found things that inspire you and created your inspirational treasure trove, it’s time to reignite your passion.

    We all have something that lights up a fire in us. So the most valuable insights we can gain about ourselves is figuring out what ignites our passion. 

    For some, this may be getting social recognition, making money with their art, getting attention from galleries or magazines, reaching a larger audience, becoming a successful artist and making digital art your business. Or you simply love to express yourself through your visual creations. 

    Whatever it may be, we all have a fire in us that leads to exhilaration and enthusiasm. 

    Make a list of all the things that get you excited to create art. Then, whenever you are feeling stuck, go over them again to reignite your passion.   

    LIFEHACK 9: Move on to a new idea

    There are times where I have a new idea for an artwork and all I need to do is sit down with my drawing tablet and the digital creation just falls into place effortlessly. 

    And then occasionally, I happen to start an artwork but don’t finish it because I simply don’t seem to get it right. Such phases can be pretty frustrating. 

    However, I’ve noticed that instead of trying to force an outcome, it’s often a better decision to just put that artwork aside and move on to a new idea. 

    I used to assume that such periods are creative ruts, but in fact they are rather chances of reorientation. Maybe it’s just not the right time for that particular piece of art on my creative journey. Maybe another artwork is meant to come first. 

    Let me give you an example. ‘Queen Bee‘ is such a work that I simply didn’t manage to get right at the time I started to create it. I tried lots things but nothing seemed to work out. So eventually, I decided to leave ‘Queen Bee’ and turn to other ideas. 

    …and believe it or not, ‘Queen Bee’ remained on my computer for SIX YEARS waiting to be finished! I created lots of other artwork in the meantime, and then at one point of time, I felt the inspiration to complete ‘Queen Bee‘ and she turned out so much better than I originally envisioned her! 

    Queen Bee‘ from my Surreal Stories Collection is a piece that I put aside for more than six years before finally finishing it.

    If you want to learn more about my creative process with WiP screenshots and a timelapse video, check out The Making Of ‘Queen Bee’ here.

    LIFEHACK 10: Get your chores done

    Now you might ask me, how to break out of a creative rut by getting your chores done?

    I personally feel that the daily chores waiting to be done can sometimes weigh heavily on my mind. Undone chores can be a block to creativity. 

    That’s why completing daily chores like housework and shopping can be a good way to free your mind and open it up to new ideas. 

    Once you got your chores done, you have all the time in the world to let your mind wander to new creative ideas!

    LIFEHACK 11: Tidy up your creative space

    Nothing kills creativity faster than chaos in your workspace. A cluttered studio or desk is unpleasant to work in – no matter what task you are about to do.

    But especially when you are trying to break out of a creative rut, the many distractions that come with a chaotic environment are really counterproductive.

    I find it a much nicer experience to sit in a cleaned up place that makes it easier for me to focus on the task at hand. Maybe you are like me… so when you feel stuck creatively next time, try to tidy up your workspace!

    Feel free to put up some decorations or inspirational artwork from other artists. Everything that makes you feel good while working is fantastic!

    LIFEHACK 12: Get some exercise

    Creativity and physical exercise are much more related than you might think. Getting some exercise doesn’t only help you keep your body in shape, but it can also help your mind work in new ways.

    …and there is even a scientific explanation for that! That’s because physical activity triggers a protein called BDNF, which is beneficial to the creative state of your brain.

    Many people go for a jog, because they find it clears their brain. Once your brain is recovering from the stress and information overload that are all around us, new ideas can surface from the subconscious.

    That’s why exercise and creativity go hand in hand. But there’s no need to push yourself to your physical limits every day. A walk around the park or a bicycle tour are totally enough. I myself like to go for long walks in the forest, listening to music and podcasts.

    LIFEHACK 13: Reconnect with nature

    An effective way to break out of a creative rut is also to reconnect with nature. I personally find nature very inspiring, and that also shows in many of my creative works, such as my Surreal Stories and Lip Service collections.

    As I mentioned above, a walk through the forest works wonders to recharge my batteries. But also watching a beautiful sunset, looking at the moon or the stars at night, tending to your garden or playing with your pets are great ways to reconnect with nature. 

    Whatever you choose to do to reconnect with nature, chances are your energy stores will be replenished quickly!

    LIFEHACK 14: Get some rest

    Making sure to get enough rest for body and mind is important, regardless whether or not you are in a creative rut. 

    Getting some rest can mean to have a nap during the day, to get enough sleep at night, or to just sit back and relax. Both your body and your brain need space and time to rest and recharge. 

    You’ve probably noticed that when your brain is relaxed, it starts to wander. Mind-wandering means that your brain stops thinking about the task at hand and goes on its own mental journey. 

    Mind-wandering is a vital factor of creative thinking. My best ideas tend to come when I simply let my mind wander around and don’t try to think of anything particular. Maybe it works for you, too. Why not give it a try!

    LIFEHACK 15: Cut down on stress

    Stress happens when you feel overworked, when you face challenges you think you can’t overcome, when you are tired, and so on. 

    We all feel stressed from time to time. It’s something we cannot avoid. However, stress is one of the biggest factors zapping your energy and creativity. 

    That is why it’s important to eliminate stress as much as possible if you want to break out of a creative rut fast. As soon as I manage to unwind my mind, I feel my creative focus coming back. 

    But freeing oneself from all the stress that’s going on around us isn’t easy. If you have some effective stress management strategies at hand, then it’s way easier. Here are 40 easy ways to deal with stress to help you get your creative juices flowing again!  

    LIFEHACK 16: Switch off social media

    A bit earlier, we said that social media can be a great source of inspiration. That’s surely true.

    But on the flipside, social media can also be a huge energy drainer. Especially when you spend hours and hours browsing through your feeds on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

    Eliminating distractions is a vital component in allowing your body and mind to find some rest. 

    Put away your phone, switch off your computer, turn off the TV – even if it’s just for as little as 15 minutes. Periods of destimulation are important for your brain to be open for new creative inspiration!

    LIFEHACK 17: Have a meditation session

    If you haven’t done it yet, meditation might sound a bit like Eastern voodoo. But it has serious benefits to relaxing your mind.

    Once you’ve switched off the internet and all other distractions, why not try and spend the time-out meditating? Even as little as 5 minutes of meditation will give your brain the opportunity to chill out and re-energize.

    I never believed in meditation either – until I tried it myself. At the beginning, I found it extremely difficult to just sit still and try to not ‘think about anything’ – because that’s basically what meditation is about. 

    But after I stuck to it for a little while, I started noticing the benefits. I was able to cut down on stress after a busy workday, and exactly the moment when ‘I wasn’t thinking about anything’ new ideas started popping up in my mind. Many of the artworks I create a based on a vision that I had while meditating.

    By now, I’ve implemented a daily meditation routine and I stick to it almost every day. Each morning and evening, I sit down for about 10 to 15 minutes and meditate. I’m using a smartphone app called Insight Timer to time my meditation sessions. It’s super-easy to use and offers lots of extra features (like ambient sounds) to make your meditation sessions even more relaxing!

    LIFEHACK 18: Work in a new environment

    If none of the lifehacks above were able to help you break out of a creative rut, then you can try changing your work environment.

    This is what I tend to do from time to time: I grab my iPad and Apple Pencil, get in my car, and drive to a nearby coffee shop.

    I love the atmosphere in some coffee shops. There are always lots of people there to work, so the atmosphere is pretty motivational. But even just sitting among other people and sipping on my coffee is a great way for me to conceive new ideas. 

    I’m using the time to make new sketches on my iPad or look for stock images for my next photo manipulation. If this works for me, then maybe a change of scenery is also a great lifehack for you to spark your creativity when in a rut!

    LIFEHACK 19: Set aside some time to make art everyday

    My last lifehack for you to break out of a creative rut is to set aside some time to make art everyday. Now you might wonder, how to make art everyday? I only started art as a hobby, I don’t have time to make art everyday!

    This is something that is also to do with self-discipline. Sometimes, we cannot rely solely on motivation to keep the creative momentum going. We kind of need a daily routine. 

    Finding self-discipline strategies that work for you is critical to keep the creative momentum moving. Setting aside some time everyday to be creative in art can help keep you going. 

    Your daily creative practice doesn’t have to be anything big. Just laying down some stokes or getting a bit of work done on your current digital project is already enough to stay creative every day!

    I hope this advice on how to break out of a creative rut was helpful to you! Let me know what your favorite thing to do is when you are stuck creatively. I wish you all the best on your artistic journey and lots of fun creating! See you on the next post, Angie ✌️  

    break out of a creative rut
    break out of a creative rut
    break out of a creative rut
    break out of a creative rut
    break out of a creative rut
    AngieG. – The Person behind the Pictures
    HI Y'ALL!  
    My name is Angie and I’m a self-taught digital artist. On this blog, I am sharing inspirational resources and advice to help you develop your artistic skills and cultivate a creative mindset. My desire is to support you in becoming a confident artist and realizing your dream!

    This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Abigail Wright

      Your tips for staying motivated are so practical and encouraging. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or stuck sometimes, and your advice on setting small, achievable goals really hit home for me.

      1. User Avatar

        Hi Abigail, so great to hear that you got your creative motivation back! I think setting small goals is the thing that also works best for me ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ

    2. Mathilda

      I’ve been stuck in a creative rut, feeling like my art lacks originality. Your practical tips on breaking out of comfort zones and experimenting with different mediums have ignited a new spark in me. Looking forward to rediscovering my artistic uniqueness. Thanks for the inspiration, Angie!

      1. User Avatar

        You are most welcome, Mathilda. Glad if the tips were able to help. I think we’re all getting stuck in a creative rut, from time to time. That’s totally normal. It’s just about finding something that reignites your spark in that particular phase!

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